02 02 24

Few shots but first of all some thoughts I want to share

Most of the photo blogs are a continous “you should make like this” when is a no-sense for photography where the personal vision and creativity is the crucial factor. That is why with my blog I avoid that attitude/approach. What i love to share are my personal thoughts and my vision as a photographer. It is personal, it is clearly personal but i am pretty sure while the most can’t share my approach and my ideas, I meet always some souls appreciating what I am doing and my honesty.

The same with my photographs: I am perfectly aware that many may not like my work or be indifferent to it. and I am not here to convince anyone. I am just making my work, what I like to do, what is interesting to me that I live and see during my life. My life is deeply connected with my job that happens to be the photographer. Furthermore my photography can be summarized by the definition of "documentation of the human condition". My street documentary photography is always connected with that goal. In any case, this does not mean that everything is always filtered by my mental state and therefore the resulting photography is significantly influenced by this. If you think it's like this for all photographers I tell you it's not. There are some lens- based photographers whose aim is always to obtain a pleasant and...sellable image. I don’t have this interest.

I don't care what reactions my photos get. Because I'm not afraid to show off my mood and instinctive reaction.There are other photographers who do it and in fact I respect them a lot.

An example is to play with shutter speed: when it comes to street photography most of the time we see shots which are frozen moments, but I believe strongly that sometimes i need to make you feel my presence and the shot made at the very last moment and the blurry works fine for that sensation.

I'm also trying to make a further effort to create compositions in which there are background characters who emerge and become important within the economy of the entire frame.


02 04 24


The drawn line