03 17 24

Saturday morning, Mexico City downtown. My camera Olympus Pen EP5 set to black and white.

In the street workflow that means stream of consciousness for me, I can see how I am enjoying the experience more than ever in black and white. This return to black and white means I have understood that I can still use both languages for my visual research. The merit is certainly of the Olympus Pens which feature simply top-level black and white jpg engineering.

Yesterday was a very positive day, although I'm noticing a resurgence in suspicion of the camera, more people seeming annoying, and this leads to confrontations. In the photo of Alice Cooper that you see here, the newsstand stopped me to make photos asking me the reason. My reply: I am a photographer. So he called me back and he took a pictrure of me with his smartphone saying “I am a photographer too” of course that is not even a real confrontation. It made me laugh, sincerely, but how you think a photo can represent a dangerous? We have to work more to spread the idea that a photo, especially made in a evident way, with a wide angle/normal lens can be something to get worry.

Public space is…public, and forgive the oxymoron…bad times we live where the photographer is the enemy and not the politician…


Beyond the Snapshot: Psychological & Meditative Techniques for Street Photography


The language on the street