07 14 24

Where I am going

Street is hard. Those who tell you otherwise are traveling by car. And they don't really live the street.

Then there are photographers, those who would like to impose rules, those who tell you that certain subjects should not be photographed. Those who talk about ethics when it's just a pose. I gave a workshop to people who have emerged or are emerging from homelessness. They, the moralists, in the comfort of their comfortable lives don't even know what they're talking about, but they spit out sentences and act like schoolteachers.

This premise is to tell you that there are two photographs here that will not be digested by the nuns. But for me, photography is not about being reticent. I am an observer of the street. Pure and simple. And I really tell the story of the street. I don't play games useful for shitty contests and festivals.

Raw and genuine like street is. Others offer you a sweetened version of the street, of shitty, wealthy, privileged as fuck is their life. Stuff for kids who play at being photographers.



07 19 24


Why I'm Committing to Black and White Photography