08 04 24

The photos gives credibility

For a photographer, of course photos matter. And today more than ever, since we produce (and share) many more of them, consistency and a higher percentage of realization are needed.

A street photographer is more exposed to error than someone who only takes out his camera for studio work or when engaged in a project. But he has greater training consistency on his side. Not only consistency but also the ability to propose new, unseen stuff. A man sweeping outside a store is a useless photograph. And there is plenty of useless stuff in street photography. The difficulty is precisely this: being able to say something new and important and this concerns both the formal point of view and the purely content one. It is not easy, but I do not think anyone has ever said that street photography is easy.

This is also the reason we the street photographers are hated by many photographers making other things: they tried,believe me, they tried. And they failed. Do you know why? To be a street photographer you have to change as person. To be a street photographer means to have a completely different approach and mindset. And when you are a photographer thinking to the pretty picture, thinking to being in the comfortable zone, thinking to be perfect before to shoot…that is where you fail…better…they fail.


Exciting News! New Street Photography Master Class Coming Soon!


Now they pass off as street photography everything that isn't street photography