09 15 24

Photography that does not allow anything to be left out

There are many sophisms about "smelling the street", about democratic photography, about documenting what the street is. But what I had feared is punctually happening and now many are realizing it. When I said it I was opposed and kicked out of their circus, which was a saving thing, ultimately, for my path and for not being confused with certain rich kids with cameras.

In fact, street photography, the mainstream kind, the kind pushed by festivals and awards managed by idiots who are otherwise mediocre street photographers most of the time, has become exactly what I had predicted: a useless game with even more useless photographs. And now it's no longer enough to pat each other on the back. The king is exposed. And with him his entire court. But the street doesn't lie. If you don't really show it, sooner or later it becomes clear that you're showing nothing.

And so here, again, far from their dynamics, we insist, with the photography representative of the true path, of what I see, of what I experience.


09 19 24


09 12 24