A different route than usual

Despite Zona Rosa and the Roma district have been areas where I used to photograph in the past, in recent years I have a little 'left out. Sometimes I also go back to detach myself from downtown, and this has a regenerating function for my photography.

Photographing there is simply another kind of experience. The bohemian environment and a completely different energy make these places a place where street photography becomes more thoughtful, with fewer opportunities, certainly with less crowded streets. On a mental level this calmness leads me to meditate more, aware of making a different type of photography. The thing that attracts me a lot in these areas is the clothing of the people, many of them going to or leaving the office. Then there are certainly also the opportunities to embed human presences between tall and modern buildings, I find myself shooting while a certain dynamism takes shape before my eyes, on street corners, at traffic lights. Certain shops also catch my eye. Borderland between rock spirit and dated intellectualism, the Roma district and, in particular that stretch of Avenida Insurgentes that connects it to the Zona Rosa, features hamburgeries and sex shops, projecting the eye and therefore the mind towards scenes of revelry and nocturnal revelry, in that gray area between student spirit and transgression where everything is possible and that has made, especially of the Zona Rosa, the cradle of the LGBTQ movement. The responsible morning clearly cannot rival the anarchist night in that sense, but awareness is enough to fuel the atmosphere and this inevitably filters my photography.

The shots that I propose here do not present nightlife scenes. They are harmless street photographs that I hope you will still appreciate:


Video: Street Photography at the time of the World Cup


3 monochrome photos