A little guide to Erotic Photography according to my experience

I have decided to offer to my readers a brief guide to erotic photography, from the point of view of an editor and photographer. This is clearly a guide where all advices and opinions expressed are inspired by personal experience, it is not clearly neither a Bible nor something that works for all erotic photographers. PLEASE NOTE: Post originally published on Fluffer magazine in Italian language and on my erotic photography blog An Erotic Photographer.

Nude girl. Mexico City, 2014. Alex Coghe

Erotic photography is sex done with a camera.

If you as a photographer don’t understand this, and if the model doesn’t understand too, then you should not even pretend to do erotic photography. The book approach is not erotic photography. And this is the most obvious problem for many people tending to confuse the two things. If you want to do modeling photos for your book, let me know and I will make you my price for the books because I need to be payed for this. Erotic photography is another thing. So leave your Cindy Crawford poses at home before coming to my studio if we have to do erotic photos.

I avoid models that charge for Erotic Photography

I do not use them and do not think I will ever use them when it comes to erotic photography. We all want to gain, and is a right thing, but let me say that putting money in front of eroticism simply does not work. Worse still put the condition: I do TFP / TFCD with lingerie, do naked only if you pay me. Fuck this idea. My models work for projects. In that case as a professional photographer and  you as model are both involved in making something creative together which can also give us money: a contest, the creation of a book, the sale of prints … but  the idea that I should pay the model is just not … I don’t do interchange, I propose projects. The models that agree to do certain types of shots just because you’re paying may be the only motivation for that and the result is bad, false, why did not believe it but just for the money received and this is good for advertising photography, not to a type of photography where the two sides are accomplished something that makes the experience both in front (model and photographer) are living in a more instinctive and spontaneous then.

This is not to say that with me the models can not earn, as they know those who work with me through the workshops take home 30% of the total earnings, through the creation and sale of books 50%.

Model Mayhem, much better than Facebook

I avoid facebook as I can, although some models I found there. On Facebook you can find everything, and many times this means the worst thing. A few real models, most of them don’t even know where to start … and you know this in the first minute of the session. Confusion reigns and it is not automatic that a fashion model is a good model for erotica, but … Good thing most of the time are the models to look for me… I tend to avoid the models shared by anyone.

Beware of crazy girls

Well, yes …you can meet also a lot of crazy girls in this sector of photography . And thanks to a previous meeting you can keep away from working with them. Also because it may cause problems later. I would have stories to tell of meetings born and died on Facebook … really careful because some of them can be really dangerous.

The stupid claim to be direct and to direct

If you want to be direct, Erotic Photography is not your thing. As a friend of mine says modeling erotic photography is like sex and is not playing twister. These models who want or need to be directed are not good models for doing erotic photography. Sometimes a model at her first experience can be better than that “famous diva” only on Facebook (be famous on fb no means to be famous) because if she finds a photographer able to put her at ease can do things more spontaneous. In short, a bewildered look is better than a false raised eyebrow. Erotic photography is completely different from advertising photography, the message should be open and directing the models can kill spontaneity and randomness that I am looking through my shots. If one of the two must decide a little more, I prefer to do it is the model, better giving to her more power.

I establish clearly what are the limits with the models

I present them before of the shooting day a casting sheet, in addition to meeting them personally, if we have never seen before. You always have to clarify first what the model is available to do: topless? Do not have problems with total nude? Any issue if your boyfriend sees the pictures?

Selection is the key

No kidding. Despite the tendency now is to see any girl claiming to be a model is not true. Not all girls can be models : the selection for a photographer is fundamental. Today the definition alternative model seems to have given wings to anyone. And when I say anyone, I mean… anyone. This is a shame because “alternative model” today is a term that can also have a negative connotation. There are many models who contact me who would like to work with me. With time and the various experiences now I have to be more careful when I receive proposals to model for me. What and who  I photograph is presenting me as an artist so selection is the key.

Model Release Always

It seems absurd to point out this, and yet … and yet here in Mexico a few people have had the opportunity to criticize the fact that I proposea model release to my models. Yes, just like that, something absolutely normal that protects my rights and those of the models I work with saw as something eccentric by someone. I have news for you: if you work with models, it doesn’t matter if pro or amateur and you are not giving a model release to your models you can not even call yourself a photographer.

You can not please all

As the editor of a magazine I can say that also happens with some modelsnot satisfied with the choice of images. In the past it has happened that someone wanted more photos of her set, another one claimed that after publication I should change the magazine with a new edition without a photo she didn’t like. On this we must always be clear and release the model release helps us greatly: the publisher chooses the  photos, unless your name is Scarlett Johanson and there is a special contract.

Credibility with the models

To the end, as in life, they choose. And the only thing that really matters are the pictures, the photography that you are able to do…or not to do. If you are a mediocre photographer that always will emerge. Of course, if your ultimate goal is to remain a Facebook photographer being one of the many is not that difficult. But if you’re a photographer, a real photographer, maybe  making a living with photography, your pictures will only get you a chance to be contacted by good models. On Model Mayhem for example, the quality is superior to what you find in a generalistsocial network , and even if you were to enroll there, if you do not have any good photo good models never will contact you.

Respect the model

Without discussions. If there is no respect will end badly. Do not force her to do things she does not want. Remember that the model decides. Always. We are talking about her image. And always consider her safety and health. This means avoiding to put it to soak in a puddle or leave her naked with 5 degrees of temperature. Would you you like to? No, do not you? If the girl does not like to be kneeling shooting you have to respect that too. The model is not a doll and do not even think to make her stand several minutes in that posture curved that you like so much. Try to do this at least you realize that this kind of requests are stupid and absurd.

Nudity or not?

It is not important and can not be an imperative to do erotic photography. There are pictures of models in lingerie that are much more erotic and provocative than others in which there is full nude. A young girl with panties can be so sexy! And we as photographers we should always accept what is the will and preference of our models. Sometimes the first time it happens it’s just lingerie because the model doesn’t know you. Once you have established trust, maybe next time she will propose to make a set completely naked. But then again, that’s not the ultimate goal, or at least should not be. I hope that if you are in the field of erotic photography is for an artistic vocation, not to see naked girls!

Time to pick lingerie

I believe that the starting point of the set, when the model shows me “what brought” is very important, it is almost a ritual in which I enter into confidence with the model. She asks me what I would prefer, and I most sometimes I leave the choice to the girl, the one with whom she feels most comfortable. Everything must be aimed at the protagonist of the shots, it is fundamental in erotic photography she feels absolutely comfortable. As always, I suggest, never imposing.

Music or not?

Here, too, we should ask our models if they want to listen to music during the set. If I’m at my studio there will be what I have, but it should always be something that appeals to the girl. In short, do not think to put that Carcass cd  if the model is not metalhead. In general it works as background Nujabes music or good smooth jazz. Nice music that does not distract.

The best poses

I love to repeat that the best model is the one that poses without posing. In the erotic photography poses like a 80s model  are to be avoided. I would say a few glances at me and my camera, but if you ignore me better most of the time. Then you’ll always have the girl posing in every moment, so without her knowledge I pluck those moments, between a pose and another, in search of the absolute randomness. The best models who know how to pose in erotic pictures are the ones that make me pouting or expressions like “what the hell am I doing here?” … It may seem absurd, but they are the ones I prefer. They are able to give me the kind of images that you come back to see, because this should be the real goal of a photographer.

Stories with Models

Despite what many think, too many photographers who are not in this field of photography, the photographer usually doesn’t go to bed with the models. Speaking for myself: I am married and completely faithful. Anyway, I consider the erotic photography absolutely far and not automatically associated to going with the girls is working with you. If you do your work with complete professionalism I assure you that the last thing I think is to have sex with the girl who is posing as the first thing  you’re focused is to achieve good images. If there’s excitement is purely artistic. At least in my case.  In the past, there are those who made me clear advances, immediately  rejected. None of the girls who have tried with me then it’s over to be considered in some work I realized.

Never touch

This should be the first rule for a photographer working with models. This respect is crucial. With my camera often I am very, very close (using normal lenses, usually 35mm optical) to my models and they are often completely naked but I never dared to touch them. In my experience, then even when the model is more nervous, maybe beginner, maybe at first experience with you,  if she can see how much respect  you have this will relax her and will give you most eroticism and impact on the visual level.

Avoid fakes,  always

Shy away from anything that looks built, fake, false. With erotic photography my models makeup themselves and are dressed as they want. I don’t prepare almost anything. In my set there are no artificial lights or anything that can make the set built and cold. I also avoid things like garish photoshoot in the woods with models with garlands of flowers on the front in unlikely mystical and fantasy locations . I think a set like that  could make me come some rash.

The camera

This is fun. When I started photographing some models some photographers asked me what camera I was thinking to use, knowing well that I work with compact cameras: the most common advice is that I needed a camera, a “real camera” (wtf?), some even talking of Hasselblad. The truth is that you can photograph girls with any type of camera: Yone (Yasumasa Yonehara ed) also does it with the ultra slim and “unprofessional” Casio. I photograph with compact cameras that allow me to move as I want, without feeling the bulk of a heavy DSLR, without disappearing behind a black plastic affair ending with looking like a biped with a trunk instead of showing my face. For me, this type of photography relies heavily on dialogue with my models, which most of the time happens through a eye contact. My photography has as target advertising and magazines and I have already amply demonstrated that you can do it with Leica X2, Fujifilm Instax X100S, the smaller Ricoh GRD IV or also a Instax Mini8…

Natural Light

Most of my work, I would say 98%, is made with natural light. This always because I am focused on reality . I think to know perfectly natural light is good for saving what I’m proposing as a photographer. Available light and going full manual with my camera is all I need to make my work.

Have fun!

Have fun with your models. A relaxed atmosphere in an intimate situation certainly like that of erotic photography is essential. If the atmosphere is not that playful will be felt in the photographs. If there is a positive tension will be perfect for the shots and the flow of our work. Erotic Photography is a matter of complicity with the girl posing for us. The set should be positive and funny, where the model and photographer are fully aware they are creating art together. The communication should be carefree and devoid of overly serious. Fooling around with the model helps a lot the workflow and the results will be evident on a creative level.


Clearly in this guide there are many tips to forget if you are a simple amateur photographer with no ambition to become a pro. The important thing is to have fun and always respecting the model in front of you, whether she is your wife, girlfriend or the new Naomi Campbell will be the same.


Between 2 cameras: Ricoh GR IIIx and Canon EOS M100


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