A small guide to Street Photography PT. 18
With this part this little guide comes to an end…
Mexico City, 2021
if you have arrived this far I must assume that you liked this guide. Thanks to be here. I wanted to write a completely new guide that was as useful as possible to other photographers like me.
I have been doing street photography for 16 years and have been teaching it for 10. I know for sure that many will assume that I was crazy to make this guide because it says too much and it is practically a free basic workshop with many advanced tips, making this reading interesting even for those who are more experienced.
The fact is that as a Photo Coach what I do with my students is different from any proposed street photography workshop. It is a totally customized experience where I am able to bring out what is the inner voice of my student to lead him to become a photographer with his own vision and approach to street photography and more.
I also thought of my next students: may this guide be the reference text for them. A completely new guide, written in 2021, directly here on the blog, without actual design, inspired by my knowledge and experience. I didn't know how many chapters it would consist of when I started. Now I know that PT. 18 is the final chapter.
This doesn’t mean I will stop to share my thoughts and experience as a street photographer on this blog, but my small guide to street photography is what you see.
Mexico City, 2021
Knowledge is not enough, we must apply it. The will is not enough, we must act.
愛 Bruce Lee 愛
When I started to teach photography I came from previous experiences as a teacher: I taught basic computer science and advanced Italian. I believe that teaching is a vocation. If you are truly willing to share your experience and reveal what led you to results then you can teach. If you are jealous of his knowledge, you should never allow yourself to propose yourself as a teacher. Teaching is not something you do just for the money. And in hindsight I have never done anything just for the money.
"Even though I am no newbie to photography, Alex's Street Photography Workshop was very enlightening. He is knowledgeable and passionate about the subject. After going through the workshop, my view on Street Photography was radically changed for the better, a lot better, more towards the true spirit of SP" Hukes
Hukes is now a friend of mine and was one of the first students in Mexico. My workshops are real experiences. I don’t teach a way to make photography, this is not the correct way in my opinion. All over the years I given my workshops in Mexico City, Oaxaca, Rome, Milan, Florence, Turin, Palermo. Each time the workshop is different because I think it is right and because otherwise I would get bored doing the same thing over and over again. Each time it depends on the student (s) in front of me, their skills and their needs.
Mexico City, 2021
This small guide didn't want to be the classic generalist guide to street photography but something influenced by my experience as a street photographer and professional for many years. In fact, I believe it reflects my ideas and beliefs. If you do street photography to win some contests or participate in some festivals this guide is not very suitable for you. But if you are interested in capturing the beauty of the world through a careful eye on everyday life, then you have arrived at the ideal guide.
Street photography has managed to change my perception of the world. To color life beautiful even in the things that others see as ugly or otherwise negative. And street photography made a decisive contribution to making me a professional photographer. In fact, I believe that even my purely commercial works such as portrait photography with models, whether fashion or erotic, are influenced by my being a street photographer.
I worked in assignment for Leica Camera AG and it was one of the most important works ever made, a real milestone of my career so far. And I worked for clients like Burberry, which marked my entry into commercial photography presenting a product. I have collaborated with NGOs who have allowed me to have poignant and intense human experiences. Street Photography fills my days and that's why I got Street Photographer tattooed on my arm.
Since 2015 I am publishing THE STREET PHOTOGRAPHER NOTEBOOK in order to give exposure to other photographers and I pay them for the feature on the magazine.
This is my way to live street photography: to make everyday something to spread the culture of the real street photography and giving something to the others, as a writer, photographer, publisher and photo coach.
Mexico city, 2021
With the emergence of the pandemic many things have changed and we street photographers are also adapting to this new reality. We need to continue to be empathetic and compassionate, positive and energetic with the awareness of being the visual witnesses of our time.
The opportunity is great because compared to photojournalism we have this street photography that is unmarked by any narrative that can be imposed. We don't have to insert captions and we can only let the images speak.
It is a mission, guys. I take it as a real mission. Any street photographer should consider himself/herself in a lifetime assignment to record what the society is and what will be.
Mexico City, 2021
As you can see with the most recent images, I am still on the street, everyday to make my work as a street photographer.
Currently I provide street photography workshops in Mexico City and Oaxaca. If you are interested to know more details, please CLICK HERE
Thanks to you and all my readers, followers, friends, brands who believe in me. This small guide is for you.
© All rights reserved 2021 - ALEX COGHE