A street photography secret to another street photographer
If you are looking for secrets about street photography on the web you will always find the same advice on the technique. We think differently here.
To make photography work on the streets is all about the positive headspace you put yourself in.
I always thought to Street Photography as a great way to propose observations of life. It can be a complex composition or a minimalistic one but but the important thing is how you fill the frame. Regardless if your vision is more documentary or you are more oriented towards funny moments.
As the photograph here, you can see a busy, chaotic moment. But there are several points of interest. People are doing something and that creates dynamism. I see energy and for you, observer, it's like being there, inside the scene. Here in a few lines I have revealed to you what is important in a street photography.
A Street Photography secret to another street photographer.
From me to you.