A sunday at the tianguis

This time I'll take you to discover a typical Sunday day in a local market that here we call Tianguis (Nahuatl word) but rather than thinking excessively I let myself be guided by the colours, by the effects that the light filtering through the awnings generated. The result is sometimes almost abstract.

A small technical note

Photographing in a tianguis is not easy. And I'm not referring to photographing people who are certainly not expecting a photographer at the market, but rather to colored tarpaulins, generally yellow and red, more rarely blue, which create absolutely anti-photographic color casts. Well aware of this, I told myself that you can only photograph a tianguis like this. Accepting the fact that there will never be memorable photos in color.

But even with this problem I still wanted to propose this work here, because I think it is more important to provide information on what the atmosphere is like in a typical market in a Mexican barrio.


Highlights October 2023


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