Against the ethics cops

Another post on twitter:

I have more issues with those who propose them to win prizes. Who decides whether these photos are street photography or documentary? Not even the author, in a sense. Who says what is ethical and what is not? Not showing what's going on in the world is a theme too.

I am sorry but I don't believe in the motto "don't photograph". In public space is possible already to make the big brother of our lives (yes also of those living on the street) and to report through photography can be a way to catch the system. This system with a monster agenda.

Is unethical to make photos of homeless and drug addictions and ethical to photograph to support neo nazi governments?

Fuck the ethics policemen talking about #streetphotography. They don’t even make it and get it. Street Photography is better than #photojournalism that is made mostly to manipulate the masses in favor of the system.

#photojournalism is supporting the globalist elite. By feeding the masses with the lies used to achieve the goals of the agenda, keeping in a corner real journalists and the truth.

After a long reflection, which is certainly influenced by this era we are living in, I quit photojournalism embracing the art. Thiis is why photojournalism as I said before, has now more than ever become a tool of manipulation of the masses, with all agencies subservient to the globalist narrative. Photojournalists support the narrative that the globalist monsters want through works that are always the same. The others, the real journalist and photojournalists are forgotten when not canceled, imprisoned or killed, because they disturb the system.

And so we see jobs that are all the same, supporting vulgar lies and mass manipulations that have led people to stop living, to damage their bodies, to enter the multiverse and forget real life, distrusting people, turning them away, denouncing them, in short to see one's neighbor as an enemy and not the corrupt politician who is paid by the wealthy elite.

Street Photography today is more genuine and sincere than photojournalism. Because Street Photography, the real one, is made by a single author, repoding to himself/herself and not to a narrative, is made on the public space, with no filters, just the reality in fron of us, that reality happening in that moment.

How many times we have to see that crap of climate change proposed as prioject? Not tired of bullshits? Are you dictated ways of living, eating, thinking by those who do as they please, polluting and eating whatever they want? Let’s stop this. We stop this. Now.

I stop the fact someone is going to say what is good and what is not to photograph on the street. I photograph just what I see, in total freedom. And fuck off if you don’t agree. Fuck off you and you fucking documentary/photojournalism full of lies, used to manipulate people.

I photograph in Mexico. I photograph in anypart I can: popular neighborhoods where life is hard, very hard. with criminality and bad things happening every single day, but also good things happens. I photograph nice neighborhoods. I photograph focusing on positive things, but I know is inevitable to also photograph the degradation because the degradation exists. Why I should hide that? Why I should censor myself not photographing a guy with drug addictions? Why not photographing a guy with a Swastika tattooed in his chest? Why there are ethics cops online? Why people not even into street photography feel themselves to be an authority to say what is good to show and what is not? Why if I am a white guy I can’t photograph black people, or brown people or…green people?

I am doing my work here in Mexico. I go in unsafe places taking my own risks and I can’t accept an asshole in his fucking chair imprisoned in the multiverse saying to me what I should photograph and what I should not photograph. I can see them to glorify a nazi country, where there are soldiers with Hitler and Swastkas tattooed in any part of their bodies and I should stop to make my work? Fuck off!!! Fuck your dead brain. Fuck your masks that seem you have a pant on the face! Fuck all the new normality you believe it. Fuck the fact you report people in these years to make a prty at home or drinking in a bar! Fuck your green pass and fuck your vaccine doses.

I am free. And I am a heatlthy man. I am a photographer not providing anymore my work to agencies and working for myself, as an artist. An artist photographing the real and with the freedome to do it because I am not reponding to the 2030 agenda or any fucked up agenda they prepared to us.

And now, ethics cops go to fuck yourself. You will do at least one good thing.


That time in Oaxaca: Guelaguetza 2018, video, gallery and a big opportunity!!!


The Street Photographer Agenda episode 26