American Vintage

An unpretentious shot at Tulancingo because photography is also this.

Do you think about how many photos we take and often they are destined to be archived and never shared? Yet those unmemorable photos are revelatory of what our way of seeing and doing photography is.

Because in editing a subsequent thought is created which is more rational and therefore the photographer presents himself to the best, as he wants to appear. But to get to those photos, many others, like this one, are taken. It is recommended to limit yourself to the best photographs, but I think that a blog is an opportunity to bring together messages, different contents and therefore many more photos can find space, those that you would not exhibit, that you would not even put in a book. And which in any case have their own history and importance because they present the creative gestation of the author.

In my research on the street I make a lot of photos, however fewer than I would like to make. Because there is still a lot of meditation and instead I would like to be even more free from this point of view.


An act of reproduction
