AMLO Fest and thoughts of a street photographer
Yesterday in Mexico City they celebrated 3 years since AMLO (Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador) became officially the president of Mexico. But I am not here to expressly speak of this.
GAM - Mexico City, 2021
In fact, I was yesterday taking pictures and visiting some camera shops. I was not informed of this celebration. And I ran into it. With no intention of staying to do the reportage because I had other things to do.
So in a very little attitude of a journalist I took just a few shots, but without pretensions, like the one you see above. Which also makes sense to me because the banner you see is signed by the delegation where I live GAM (Gustavo A. Madero) making history and behind we can see the famous Torre Latina, one of the symbols of the city.
I think it is a photo that still has a documentary value which is what constantly represents the core of my observation.
As a photojournalist I followed the entire AMLO election campaign. In this period, however, I feel absolutely distant from any institutional political dynamic. Even as a simple reporter I can't seem interested in this. I think the conflict is to be found in the anger I feel about how the world is going. And this despite the fact that Obrador cannot be fully affiliated with the globalist project.
This is a phase in which I am dedicating myself rather to a social observation, probing the intimate, perhaps caught in the street, of people. This is what interests me most of all right now. And while it may be uncomfortable to say it publicly as journalist, I do. Convince me, try to convince me, to photograph a political event. I won't say no because it's my job. and something interesting I am able to take her home anyway. But always in my own way.
Today's reflections represent me at this stage. Tomorrow it could be otherwise. Everything changes suddenly inside and outside me.