Anthony Hernandez, Bruce Gilden and their selected work on my YouTube channel

The new series on my YouTube has arrived already to episode 3. I received the invitation to continue it.

I also consider it a good exercise: confronting these masters, trying to provide a good selection that best presents them means entering the soul of their visual proposal.

If in the first episode I presented Joel Meyerowitz only in color because for me Meyerowitz is a photographer of color, Bruce Gilden is only black and white because I love that Bruce Gilden. While Anthony Hernandez, I'm sure, will represent a new discovery for many. And this is also the opportunity with this format: to spread the culture of street photography and make known the work of those I consider fundamental to the history and evolution of the genre.

Don’t forget to subscribe my channel. I am already working to the next episode.


This year I photographed the Chinese New Year like this


Positive Touch: little time but good photos