Apply Street Photography while traveling

I mean when you are in a place that is not yours and you don't know anything about what people's reactions might be.

Tula. Alex Coghe 2022

This year in March I found myself in the state of Hidalgo.

I had already been there a couple of times but I had never had many opportunities to photograph the places. Tulancingo is a really small town, a place where locals are not used to see strangers. My White Caucasian being certainly attracts people's gaze. And doing street photography here is something you know people aren't used to.

With respect and manners, using as serene body language as possible, it makes everything much easier. Experience in this sense matters a lot. And the feeling that remains is that you can photograph anything, anywhere.

I've stopped making myself believe it depends on the camera. Shooting with an DSLR is no different than a more compact camera. It all depends on the photographer, on how he moves, on the way he sets his gaze on others.

From body language we can make everything comfortable both for photographers and for us who photograph.


Of humanism, seriality and the gaze of the street photographer


A full view of the city: my mission with Street Photography