Body movement

Yesterday, in downtown…

Mexico City, 2022. Alex Coghe

In the morning I worked in downtown making my street photography. Despite weather was not the best I can ask, I achieved to make several shots and I have a good feeling with them. It is October, we arrived to the end of this year. A super creative year for me. It will be a hard task to make the year selection.

This shot presents that energy that I seek. my way of working is not focused only on photographing people in full or with a descriptive approach, but rather focuses on the speed, on the impromptu, the imponderable and the energy of the movements. When this happens in a shot, I'm happy. I have to make you feel there, and make you feel the scene that evolves rapidly, uncontrollably, that not everything is as established or perhaps exactly so because the street photographer dances with the rapid movements.


This documentary dedicated to Joel Meyerowitz is one of the best Street Photography videos you will ever see


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