Essentially a portrait photographer
This is evident also in my street photography
Julia Klug. Mexico City, 2023. Alex Coghe
For me the portrait must be a cultural testimony.
This is why I prefer them to be set and not ends in themselves. The context determines an information base that explains to us about the person and his role in the world. It gives a reason for it and therefore gives a different dimension that is not limited to aesthetics.
The portrait, therefore, becomes an admission of the photographer's being, of his thoughts, of the mental state at the moment of clicking. And it therefore becomes an exhibition and transposition at the same time, also exposing all the fragilities that we are willing to show. The portrait also always shows a union between photographer and photographed, a two-voice dialogue in which the sublime is given by the visible presence of one and the absence-presence of the other. And then we can also accept a metaphysical aspect in portrait photography. The portrait becomes a breath, perhaps a puff of existence, an affirmation permeated by life and exchange between two or, sometimes, more people.
Now on the homepage of this website there is a new gallery dedicated to my portraits. I think this should clarify better who I am as a photographer.