Free Assange

The International Federation of Journalists, representing more than 600,000 journalists worldwide, calls for Julian Assange's immediate release.

While I keep this blog away from politics, I cannot forget my role as a free photojournalist and advocate of truth.

In an increasingly disturbing world, with many journalists bought and indulging the globalist narrative real journalists are discriminated against, threatened, unable to do their jobs, kept out of the mainstream that favors perverse power, used violence and killed.

Julian Assange had the sole fault of having exposed the criminal games of NATO and the West and now he risks his life for this. Meanwhile, those same warmongering criminals are all still in positions of power: they are in the EU, in NATO, in the CIA, they are in the WEF and in the Fabian Society. And their goal is to create a dystopian world, where the elite will continue to harass the people, starving them, hitting them in the most basic freedoms, killing them. It's their project and they don't even hide it anymore.

Saving Julian Assange is not just a righteous act in defense of a journalist and a free man, but something for which all of us who do not want a world ruled by demons are called to lighten and overthrow them. Once and for all.


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