From now this website is alex street

The most observant of you will have already seen it. With the change of logo and a cleaner home page.

A decision that goes in line with a precise statement: this website, its blog and in general how I introduce myself is derived from the whole experience as a street photographer.Even the works commissioned by my clients are and have been largely characterized by this soul of mine devoted to street photography, included the most important realized so far. Whoever comes to this site knows very well what they are looking for.

The small but decisive revolution that had already been anticipated by the new social accounts also includes taking my most famous photograph off the front page: the woman photographed in Los Angeles in October 2011. I am attached to that photo and used it as a presentation of myself and as an idealization of what street photography is for me. But it's time to break away from it. My photography, for some time now, is no longer in black and white. And I love to think that there has been an evolution that today allows me to observe another photographer.

Now I see the first page and I see it significantly improved, cleaner and more professional. It seems like a small thing, a detail. But a website is a photographer's business card.

alex street it also means putting aside the surname, however put in the title and subtitle and making room for a word, the street, that street that has characterized my life and therefore my essence even before being a photographer. And the logo is minimalist, with all the lowercase letters, because I feel small and I feel that I still have to grow a lot. But the lowercase letters for me also mean that I prefer something not shouted, more intimate and discreet. Like some kind of secret between you and me.

Welcome alex street. Welcome to my official website, guys.


The Street Photography I've always wanted


Street Photographers is a gallery for my students