From one corner of the sidewalk to the one opposite

What I propose to you today is a street photography studio that takes into account what the workflow is for me.

Practically describing my way of working: it has a lot to do with the rhythm, and therefore I indulge the dance in the street, and when the situation gets crowded, it increases this rhythm and therefore I happen to shoot in rapid succession. Let me be clear: I don't use burst mode, I refuse to do it because it would become something profoundly different.

First shot you see was realized at time 10:53:28, the last one was made at time 10:54:48.

In practice it is the document of a wait at the traffic light, cross the street and also show what passes in the other corner. Through this dynamic of shooting we can learn a lot and at the same time find some keepers. My advice is of course to do it at a fairly busy crossroads.

I love this part of the historic center very much because the buildings are in the style of the 50s and 60s, and this happens to me to relate it very aesthetically with a glorious era of street photography. In particular, the building that forms the background in the first shots is particularly interesting. If when I started shooting the exposure is very open, then we can finally appreciate the details in the background, even to the people who populate the neighboring streets.

When I get further away I can try to find order in chaos, but I need this chaos just to be able to try to visually generate order through composition. At the same time, the immersion situation among people inevitably causes close-up shots in which perhaps a subject or even just a detail that I recognize as interesting emerges.

From a purely technical point of view I just have to worry about having the camera always ready. In such a situation where I will take shots in rapid sequence, I don't think about changing settings in the meantime. I have to decide on exposure and I keep it. This certainly exposes me to errors, but not as many as I would make by constantly changing, admitted and not granted that I would be able to take as many photos as in just over a minute.

There will also be those who think this is not a form of working, but we really care, guys? What interests me is to have first of all for me an observation of humans and this is often obtained through a less thoughtful and more instinctive action, following the rhythm of the road. If the road becomes hectic, I will become too. It is about a dance and entering the music that that dance offers you.

I hope this is inspiring for you.


Video: Street Photography Workshops in Mexico


Thoughts on the sidelines of the release of the new Leica M6