From the barrio a street photographer

I take a picture in the barrio where I go to eat.

Barrio, 2022. Alex Coghe

I see a complex scene in front of me. I change direction, I position myself at the corner, I raise my little DSLR camera bringing the viewfinder to the eye and I shoot.

The resulting photography is a humanist landscape, able to make you feel the essence of the place.

Where I usually go to eat and shop. In the same places that for three years have seen me photograph mainly urban landscapes. Now I'm back but with a reflex camera and with a more typical street photographer approach, oriented to document humanity rather than roads, cars and buildings.

In a era where many street photographers are ridiculed through videos showing how they take posed photos and where on twitter I have to read how the Canon is considered a camera for beginners. I photograph. I photograph in the barrio. I photograph in the barrio with a Canon Rebel T7. I photograph without asking for permission. I photograph where no one photographs. I got them used to my presence and my camera. Any camera I can have at that time. Being a photographer in the barrio is a preparation work, especially with myself.

My imperfect photography with cameras that are constantly being mocked is the best answer to all the annoying noise of those who claim to know the truth. Or who tricks the truth to acquire street credibility.

I already wrote that this is a great year for me guys. But I feel that it is only the preparation for what is to come: 2023 will make me reap all that I have sown this year.


The essence of a street photography experience


I am among the finalists of the Fokus International Photo Awards Albania