Highlights December 2022

A full month. This is my selection.

A premise is required: this month has been really special, a worthy conclusion to a year in which I'm really happy with the work done. But the selection made takes into account factors other than simply putting the best shots. I would rather focus my attention here on the fact that I prefer my photography to be full of life. What I mean? That the technique definitely takes a back seat to what is fundamental for me: I want life to emerge in a striking way in my shots. I'm talking about a photograph that gives a sense of the place but also of the emotions conveyed within the frame, that one can really feel in images that try to be iconic (a really onerous compromise) the warm human embrace. What I see too often lately is a cold, impeccable execution on a technical and compositional level, but which communicates little or nothing about humanity. In my photography I look for an essence and a sensation to be conveyed inside. Even the use of color becomes an integral part of this approach. The images are organic, close at least in mood to the film. I don't believe much in contrast in my aesthetic. The shadows are the opposite of deep, rather they caress the objects and subjects on which they rest. The shadows still allow you to see the details. This research allows me to indulge my experience as a street photographer interested in the human condition. I hope you can enjoy this month.

Let’s start with this image realized in the deep barrio in downtown. The main component is the cityscape dominated by religious statuettes. The human figure swallowed up in the shadows represents in this case the imponderable and moving component.

I love this photo because of this woman who could have looked great in the 70s. I think that photography, at least mine, is often a regurgitation of past eras that I have also lived through.

There is a fetish with respect to people who smoke. I'm a non-smoker, but as a photographer I tend to be drawn to this gesture which has long been a cinematic classic. And now too.

Speaking of the 70s, I recently saw and enjoyed the Belascoaran series on Netflix inspired by the books of Paco Ignacio Taibo. Several scenes are realized on this street. I must have metabolized them to the point that this is a 70s scene for me.

Here it is, the barrio. One of the barrios where I go to buy food. ùAnd this photo is made with the feet of that kid, essentially. That is the reason for the shot and that is the detail to make the image a photograph. If you know and appreiate the distintion made.

I don't have to explain it to you. There is little to explain. Who explains, in fact, is a stillborn photographer. Instead feed on the essence. Of the mood that transpires.

How do you represent Christmas? Me with the grinch!

The umbrella man is maybe the most modern photo I've taken in years. And it's such an easy shot to take...

In the introduction I spoke of life. So simple and basic. Yet magical. It inspires me. All time.

It seemed like such a sweet gesture.. Oh, God…after this month I lost my bad reputation!


After the premise you want also notes? OK…such a great month. I photographed in a more serene and I think you can see it. An extraordinary year that ends with an even more extraordinary month, always photographically speaking. I feel my photography. I feel myself in doing it. I photograph for myself but I know I am touching many hearts. Am I wrong?


December 28th


Umbrella man