Highlights January 2024

Giving more dimensions to my work

I start the month selection with 2 portraits. It is because I want to talk about the importance of the experience on the streets. It is because there is a concept that I dislike: to be a ninja. No, guys, we don’t need to be ninjia or hiding in some way what we do. Of course Street Photography lives of the candid moment, but I would invite to consider that we don’t need to look this all the time.

And many times they ask me to take a photo. Who am I to say no? These moments are often very precious during the street experience, helping to give an even more positive note to the experience of being a street photographer. Recently people say me that I have a nice camera and they are more inspired to pose for me. It is funny that most of them think the cameras I am working with are film cameras. No, they are not film cameras, my response,but yet are cool cameras!

Black and white has made a strong comeback in my vision. Considering the Olympus E-PL2 the camera I use most in the barrios and in monochrome settings, I can affirm a new dimension that allows me to also propose different content.

The question mark in the photo wants to declare how often I think about my observation and how photography should ask more questions than offer answers. The answers must be given to us by others. for example the bastards in power.

What is my photograph without the note about existing? How much metaphysics does my visual research involve? How do I make clear my intention to make you have a perception of how I feel about what I find in front of me?

At close range in terms of time these two photos but also at close range of me compared to the subjects. The theme is that of attention on the street compared to something that attracts.

To the point of not paying attention to the photographer. Perfect.

I believe that a street photographer should give more importance to the imponderables and the imbalance that frenetic activity brings than to the perfect composition. We are not landscape photographers, but many street photographers don't understand this and are essentially landscape photographers. In my opinion I want to see a photo that is moving, giving you the sense of movement and the feeling that is anything still.


First selection of the year that sees me sharing a process that is happening in my photography which is certainly also influenced by the cameras chosen for this new phase.

Because in my intentions I will use the Olympus Pen 5 for my color street photography and the other, the E-PL2 for black and white. In this way I will be able to give a double dimension to my research and double the work. I see this possibility as viable also with regards to my purely documentary commitments, in particular with photographic expeditions during the year.

I am particularly satisfied with the selection made because it does not show sensational photographs but it shows me the future possibilities of my research.




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