Highlights January-April 2021
I decided to take a column from the old blog. Through the monthly selection I can analyze the results of my work and any progress. It’s also a way to inspire other photographers.
Earlier this year I was busy with my documentary work on the pandemic situation and the images reflect a certain uneasiness and visual tension.

A little sluggish month due to personal commitments that made me work with less effort on the street despite having photographed every day. I didn’t yet know that yet another change in my photography was coming…

MARCH 2021
March is the month in which I was born and like me it has come to break the balance. The Fujifilm XPro2 has also arrived and this has produced in me a renewed energy to go back to doing my own thing, that I had left for the landscaping project…

APRIL 2021
It was a funny month where I enjoyed many days on the streets, in particular in Downtown. With the Fujifilm XPro2 I work fantastic and this is reflected even in the things I am now interested in seeking. Guys, Mexico City is a fantastic place for Street Photography…you really need to come here!