Highlights July 2022
This month:
A gesture can be the only reason to shot. A photographer asked me what happens with all the headless shots. And I answer: as a photographer I respond to a stimulus. What passes in front of me is just that. How do I solve it compositionally? It doesn't have to be a didactic photo, especially when it comes to street photography. And highlighting what I see also passes through risky cuts, what photographic orthodoxy may not recommend but that often, precisely this contravention of the rules makes a personal shot and yes, good.
Last but not least there is the fun factor and I have to have fun on the street, not think about the strict rules, decided by someone else. I make my own rules. And in this case if I had taken his face again maybe he would have been, at least for my sensitivity, not respectful of the person. And I didn’t want that. Never.
The observation in the street also passes for moments like these. Here my presence becomes part of the shot, it can be felt by that look of the girl. I have no problem with this. Street photography for me is not just one and it doesn't have to be all about invisibility. My being a street photographer is also based on my presence. I do not hide and my action can provoke reactions
Again: I am having fun on the street.
Light and the right position (respect to the subject) contribute to the success of a shot all played on the three-dimensional effect of the jaguar printed on the lady's shirt. The man's shirt also gives a bit of balance to the frame that doesn't hurt.
How much can you photograph in people's faces? A question that I often repeat to myself. Personal space is invaded. Certain photos justify it.
Going to a working-class neighborhood for the first time and pulling out something good on a photographic level. To those who say that this is not street photography I only want to say one thing: fuck off.
But what do I know ... I also see the Christ in this image. They are hands but there is also some holiness in this photo.
Here's a photo that works a lot on a formal level.
Yellow. And only for the yellow of their clothes I photographed. What? Do I also have to explain it to you?
There is nothing to do: I continue to remain deeply attracted to urban structures. And the landscapist approach becomes a way to face and offer an observation of how man fills public space.
Photographing from the cockpit of a taxi is a challenge that fascinates me a lot at the compositional level. Good shot in my opinion.
A very long month. It never seemed to end. I toured the city from north to south. I photographed a lot, mainly digging into myself. I feel a renewed photographer but at the same time aware and really serene for the consistency with which I am carrying out my exploration. If this is maturity it is pleasant enough.