Highlights July 2023

The personal selection for this month

It is often the landscape that offers street photography. I can glean much information from this broader observation.

If in recent times we see a greater amount of meditated street photography and where the compositional construction is very careful, I continue to support the need to be reactive and instinctive. This is also what I aim to teach my students. When they come to a workshop here in Mexico, I put them in a position to obtain great results through an approach that focuses on feeling the energy and rhythm of that moment a lot and translating it into images.

A book would not be enough to define everything that drives me to be a street photographer. Things happen on the street that become spontaneous theater in one act. And catching that act is my calling.

We often tend to forget how important a face is in a photo. When I see an interesting face, I don't hesitate to take pictures.

Speaking of instinct and reaction, a photo that comes from an intuition of a few moments.

How much of my photography comes from an encounter! I also do not divide between catching and fishing. Because in order to find certain images, I go to certain areas anyway.

I have always been convinced that the city offers numerous creative opportunities, going beyond genre classifications. I photograph everything that seems interesting to me on the street.

How much continuity and consistency is there in our visual searches?

One of the characteristics of street photography is that, through composition, or the choice of what and how to put in the frame, we create a relationship that exists only through our choice.

And street photography is a declaration by the photographer, of how a certain intuition can become such a declaration.


A month that followed the surreal route a lot. A month that due to personal problems did not allow me to photograph as much as I would have liked. Just keep to follow me because exciting things will come.


The best street photography workshops you can do with Alex Coghe


The Street Photographer Agenda Episode 37