Highlights June 2022

A busy month that didn't allow me to do a lot of street photography, but these are the most interesting photos that I want to share with my readers.

Wide-angle vision using the angle to give a three-dimensionality that works quite well.

The M200 featured part of this month. At the maximum focal length of 15- 45 mm means that I got very close to take this picture.

I'm afraid of heights. This is the only way I know of reaching certain heights. And, guys, tell me how they do it.

In photographing a detail of a scene that is about to vanish lies the heart of street photography.

Each one engaged in a different action. Nobody pays any attention to the photographer.

Sometimes it's just a matter of light that leads me to shoot, but I get paid off by everything else. A composition that takes advantage of a particular dynamism and that in a certain way connects the two human subjects. I see a lot of numbers in this picture. And you?

I think the evidence of one photographer in particular breaks through here and is a strong influence on my street photography. Guess who I'm talking about?

The gestures keep calling my attention. Indoor photography increases the difficulty coefficient but I scored.

Sometimes street photography is an extremely easy thing.

In the barrio, the colors of Mexico reveal themselves in all their power.


The colors of my Canon cameras push. A month in which I took few but good photos. I've been busy with videos too. The street photography I did allowed me to show that my choice is a winning one. I now have universal equipment that I can use for street photography, fashion / portrait and journalism. A month that saw me return to teaching in a street photography workshop and busy with obtaining my permanent residency. With the hurricane season underway it has rained a lot and this has influenced going less on the street to make photos.

I hope you enjoy this selection.


The Canon video post


Italian photographer moves to Mexico and this is what you will discover!