Highlights October 2022
It was not easy to pick 10. This month the production even increased and we are talking about the most prolific year for me since I have been pro, rivaling only 2014.
This photo is already a success for not having the damn masks inside. But then the photo is good because it shows something deeply belonging to the culture in Mexico with the fifteen-year-old celebrated.
I put this photo because it is cinematic and because something has changed in my aesthetic research. Today, I'm much less afraid of blurring the background. I pursue humanist photography and I no longer keep within certain parameters that the Orthodox of street photography would like.
This for example is one of those photos that I take more for myself. On instagram it would absolutely not be appreciated. A detail, just a detail that occupies a very small portion of the frame.
This photo is perfect from a formal and content point of view. A street photograph because it connects two things that are unrelated to each other, but a photo that is also an urban landscape that documents a lot of the environment where I shot, among other things, really close to my house. These are the photos to buy, guys. And printed. Don’t waste time with the NFTS which are one of the biggest bullshit ever born by man, and just in these times where the brain many have thrown it down the toilet, it could take root. I know I say uncomfortable things, but real life is better than staying closed at home. Locked up we should be dead, why did you start earlier?
I am rarely so compositionally clean. Take advantage of it.
I propose this photo because the fuck such a New York photo in Mexico is beautiful to see. It was very cold and people were dressing like that. I like it!
There isn't much to say about this photograph which is shit straight out of the atlas of street photography that I have come to love. The red hair of this woman as well as her expression is an emotional short circuit for a street photographer, not to mention the suit. And if you don't understand it, then I believe there is little for you to do with understanding what street photography is all about.
When you do not ask permission but you take the photo and manage to make a clear portrait like this you feel God. It doesn't last long, the time to get the next photo wrong, but still the meaning is that.
This photograph is a celebration of what I am doing, putting myself in the barrio bravo, risking the camera, my teeth, perhaps even risking an abrupt termination of my existence on this planet. And in fact it launches the MEXICO CITY STATE OF MIND project. And it is evidence of my immersion this year in the popular context inside the quadrilateral of the historic center. Well done, put me on the list of street photographers with balls and who don't shoot with bodyguards.