Highlights September 2023

I think it was a good month but you judge

I think I have a similar photo taken in Rome, always with oriental girls and in a popular place for tourists.

From the series of photos taken without asking that look like photos taken by asking.

There are photographs that are immediately understandable to a street photographer.

Having immediately been fascinated by the work of photographers such as William Eggleston and Stephen Shore, I have no problem photographing people from behind.

I really like the dynamic result in this photo. I like his expression and the pair of hands. And it is a photo that clearly reveals that we are in Mexico City.

Yes, I know, I'm a bastard and I like to make it obvious in a photo.

Body parts on a typical local market. And the real becomes confused with the reproduction, to the point that the real part looks like a torn page.

Other photographers, better and more famous than me, would spend hours there. I'm more hasty and then I have the shopping bags with me. And I have to go home and cook.


The experience of photographing is linked to personal experience.

This month I photographed at times without concentration due to thoughts related to personal problems, but sometimes I found myself expressing myself even better, completely concentrated on photographing and obtaining good images. And sometimes I also photographed with anger. As if photography should give me what life isn't giving me.

However, I don't lose heart.

Overall, the month is positive. And at least I didn't have any health problems that limited my outings in August. We are now in Autumn which is my favorite season and which is usually characterized as being very creative for me. Thanks as always to be here and appreciating my work.


10 07 23


VIDEO: portfolio updated, new life