How this blog is building a community of street photographers

In 2009 I created the first real street photography community through a board as was the custom at the time. With social media everything has changed. And everything is still evolving rapidly. While the time for collectives seems to be over I am proposing something different.

Brandon Kim is the first Street Shooter to be featured on this blog. The new column of this blog aims to become an international showcase for street photographers who deserve to be known even more. And along the way, I reserve the right to propose other forms of collaboration to published photographers.

As I have said since the beginning of this adventure with this new blog, which in these days is celebrating its first year of activity, is to do things in favor of the entire world community of street photographers.

Currently the blog aims to be a hub for street photographers through:

  • Inspiring and thought-provoking articles

  • International showcase for photographers

  • A centralizer for like-minded people with the passion for street photography

  • Exclusive products for street photographers in the shop

  • Magazines where street photographers can be featured

My idea is to propose a blog significantly different from the others. May it be as useful a container as possible to spread the culture of street photography. Anyone in love with Street Photography has found his place.


Elegy of shooting from the hip


When you don't care about appearance, you are a different photographer