I made a great shot and I can’t wait to share it

Honestly, when there is a photo like that, I want to share it immediately with my readers

Tlalnepantla. EDOMEX, Mexico, 2023. Alex Coghe

The Gods of Street Photography assisted me yesterday in EDOMEX.

Because this is a great photograph, no discussion. I think I have the experience to recognize when a photo is good, GOD, and this is a fuckin’ good photo. Forget the ones to give a cool name to a project and the title is stronger than the photos. Forget the idea a street photo needs a story. Forget all the conceptual wankers.

It is a great photo and it happens is mine. Made yesterday in EDOMEX, where there is not that many photographers around. Where to have a camera can expose me (not you me) to physical injuries. And where I achieved to make a fuckin’ great photo.

Can you see it? Can you see what was my intent? Do you see that I nailed it?

In all honesty, I was afraid before opening it on the computer. I was afraid it wasn't in focus. Even if the feeling since yesterday when I took the photo was that of having it. And I have it. Good GODS of street photography.

I am fuckin’ happy today.


12 15 23


12 12 23 in the barrio La Villa Basilica de Guadalupe