Merry X-Mas and a gift for all of you

All the LR presets, including the bundles are now for free on this website

Personally I don't use them anymore. And I find that is more ethical and honest to release them for free.

I am aware that for some photographers LR presets can be a useful resource and when I made mine I thought to give something connected with my vision and aesthetics to other photographers who appreciate my work. That is still the spirit and the reason why I am not going to delete the section of the shop but I find that giving them as free product is also a message,a strong one, to the entire photography community.

Now I am an advicer that is better not counting too much on LR presets or any other simulation. It is much better to keep it as raw and straight from the camera as possible, especially when it comes to street photography. That is my experience and what I feel is right to share. But I am sure that many will appreciate this decision.

So here you go, guys. Now you can ownload all the presets here:



This film-like camera will be my monochrome camera


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