Mexican Flag, Street Photography and new routes

I am on the bus and take this photo:

Mexican Flag. Alex Coghe, 2022

A photo of the homeland month, in the context of the barrio, in the bus that takes me home. For me it is worth more than a hundred thousand photos taken of soldiers during the parade.

In a year full of photos, I take this one away too. Image without rhetoric, made like a snapshot. In consideration of how much felt this month here, a month that once again this year gave us its earthquake, punctual as a Swiss clock, on September 19th. And then the street photographer in me constantly moves between snapshot and document, energy and relevance of the human condition. Without overdoing it, without raising my voice or pretending to be noticed.

I run a blog which is my calling card of what I feel and think as a photographer and man. I am approaching the end of this year, ugly on a planetary level, but intimately generous for my photography. A dichotomy that has gone through all year and that, to keep me sane, at some point I had to turn off the channels and focus only on myself.

Photography not as a salvation for the world but as a salvation for oneself.


Virtue of human-oriented photography


I let the colors do the talking