Monday and Wednesday: the streets of the barrios and downtown

I share the work made this week…

Between landscape and portraits. Come with me on this two-dimensional journey: the first through various popular neighborhoods and the second one in dowtown.



I like to give an idea of the landscape, but I also love to fully show the identity of the people I meet on my way. I'm not interested in the boundaries dictated by belonging to one photographic genre rather than another, it's the photography that belongs to me, the one I feel and act as a street photographer.

I enjoy the whole process which essentially boils down to what the experience with the camera is. Not pretending other photographers agree with this approach. It is just my approach and it works to me. My darkroom is right in the shutter button. I still keep that approach from when I was a kid. I want it to be so. Today I'm a pro but I continue to be that enthusiastic child of the magic that brings with it the photographic act reduced to its essence, the shot. I never do things the same. Every day is different and turns into a new experience and therefore into the pleasure of discovery.

This makes me young and still enthusiastic, with room for improvement, without being in the comfort zone. Today I'm a pro but I continue to be that enthusiastic child of the magic that brings with it the photographic act reduced to its essence, the shot.

Between full shots and the dimension of the place, the place and the perception that derives from it, the people shot at close range when the situation requires it.

For this blog i just can say a thing: thanks to be here, you are the inspiration.


I will be live with my favorite shots on YouTube. Don’t miss it!


Lady Tacos de Canasta