More than ever film is a state of mind

Notes to myself and to the others

Selfie. Mexico City, 2023. Alex Coghe

Especially in these times when buying stock film has become a major expense.

I can see film photography made with digital. Because going beyond reality, the film is above all an attitude and a state of mind. Which leads to an approach. So I haven't photographed film for two years now I can see how with my DSLR cameras or with the mirrorless there is a lot of attitude as a film photographer, even more than many who actually shoot film.

Because certain photography philosophy and certain ontology comes from within, from an inner voice that makes you make certain choices rather than others when shooting but not only.

So soon another Pen will be added to the last Pen and my photography will follow the idea I have even more faithfully.

My primary camera for street photography and travel will be the Olympus Pen E-P5. Just ordered and I can't wait to work with that. My way of travelling will be ultra-light: 2 Oly Pen, Canon M200 and my ipad.

The path that is leading me to make everything more minimalist and result-oriented. And by result I mean above all the experience that comes from it, my world of being in the world with camera in hand, in a light way, often just a camera and a lens and nothing else. And a smaller camera allows me to work well, focusing only on the world around me.

About the joy of having a camera that falls perfectly into my hand and that I love to see dangling from my neck. Of my choice which does not take into account the market hype and which returns to the one made in 2010, or almost 14 years ago. But with a decidedly superior photographic ability.

And today I am this. A photographer who has learned a lot from the past. Between mistakes and also various satisfactions, but aware that the future is now. A future that looks to the past without fear. I did some things well, but the best is yet to come.


Journalistic aftertaste


M43 PROJEKT: the small mirrorless system in 2024?