New video, photos and some words for this sunday

First of all, watch the video:







This is what I want from my photography right now. As always, trying to make my own voice come, without paying attention to what others are doing. Because first of all my photography must satisfy me.

Coming to another speech, but in truth deeply related with my attitude and philosophy: IA is arrived as part of the agenda in order to mistake reality with fakes. Those making the work today don’t realize yet the damAge to photography and world they are contributing to do. Yesterday I read a tweet saying that IA will delete all the stock photography and only photojournalism and documentary will stay. It is a big misjudgment by the moment is exactly documentary that is under attack. We are already seen how the system wants to cancel every parameter that allows to recognize what is true from what is false. It does so through technology, it does so with unlikely fact checkers and various censorships that only support the unique and politically correct thinking of those who define themselves as democratic but are not at all. There are entire news agencies that have been bought by the monsters of the elite. And they are already making the dirty job. Making you think that the good guys can even wear some swastika tattooed on their chest.

AI entry is not something to look upon with appreciation but quite the opposite. In the future it will no longer be possible to recognize the true from the false and all this will be for the benefit of those who control the means of mass communication. They want to control everything and especially thought, and they are already doing it. Enthusiasm for NFT and AI is also part of the project. Then, of course, if you are a photographer with few ideas and less talent, you certainly get close to it. You would like to do everything with little or no effort, because you are fatigued. Tired of what?

I am and remain a dissident. And I do not let myself be duped by the lure of technology. I watch films from the 70s, I recover old cameras that are obsolete for most, I go to the heart of photography through real experiences.

Keep your artificial intelligence. Mine is enough for me.

And now I can show you more photos, some that maybe you watched on the video, others not. Enjoy the vision:

One last thing: I don't pretend to please everyone. Nobody can. There are things that will not be understood and others that are even hated by what I write or say. I can not do anything about it. I open it to those who are still able to discern and think for themselves. Hope of those who are manipulated has now been lost.

I have no intention of opening anyone's eyes. Everyone goes the way they want. And this decision will turn out to be right or wrong. This is life. I just don't sing in the choir. I never did it. And, usually, I highly suspect the choir. And so far I see that I have not been wrong. On the contrary: the facts are proving me more and more right. Three years ago I looked crazy in the eyes of most people. Today, here we are. Who's the crazy now?


A photo with the DSLR in the barrio


Call for girls in Mexico City