On the metaphysical persistence of the street as an essential element that unites my vision

I've been thinking a lot about a new process that has led me to review positions that I thought were unshakable in my visual research

My practice has been to reject the role of witness or journalist, of “photographer,” which in my view objectifies the subject of the picture by masking the impulses and feelings of the picture-maker. The poetics or the “productivity” of my work has been in the stagecraft and pictorial composition – what I call the cinematography. - Jeff Wall

On my instagram my small bio says: “I used to be a journalist, then I stopped.” The fact is that these three years of lies and mass manipulation cannot be ignored by someone like me, who is deeply anti-system and has always fought for the truth. I don't feel comfortable in a world where people have been deceived and where they are now easy prey. Of course it was like that before, but now it's much worse. Agencies are just riding the wave, and have become a political tool to promote a narrative that goes against humanity. I have a soul, a conscience and I don't participate.

Everything I do is linked to reality, one that has no filters and does not follow what has been decided by an elite. This is why today I take refuge in art. I'm more interested in creating, always observing and photographing the reality in front of me, but linking myself more to a personal dimension and not responding to summons imposed by the narrative.

In my reflection on “qualsiasità” (reference of Zavattini term) the street is for me a physical and metaphysical place where to transpose my vision of the inner and outer world. And then all the imperfect shines through and unwinds in a continuum of photographic experience that leads me to indulge more in the essence of things, but without that need to explain. My rejection of the exceptional as a constant part of repetition, of avoiding the dogma of the unique photo. My observation that finally becomes the protagonist with respect to what is ahead.

I still don't know where all this will take me. But, again, the journey is more important than the destination.


The Photographer


The Street Photographer Agenda Episode 9