Photography contests categorized are stupids

I posted on threads

What do you think about a photography contest open only to male photographers?


Of course mine is a provocation, in fact I signed it as TP…thaqt would clarify is a Thought Provoking post. But not anyones got it. To start here we need a little bit of cultural context:

Reasoning backwards to get to the truth

Reasoning backwards, or the indirect method, is a form of reasoning that starts from the conclusion and works its way back to the premises. In other words, you assume the conclusion is true and try to show that, based on this assumption, it's possible to arrive at contradictory premises. If you can prove the premises are contradictory, then the conclusion must be false.

Reasoning backwards can be used in various fields, such as logic, mathematics, physics, and law.

In logic:

  • It's used to prove the validity of a syllogism (a three-part argument with major and minor premises leading to a conclusion).

  • For example, the syllogism "All men are mortal. Socrates is a man. Therefore, Socrates is mortal."

  • We can assume the conclusion is false - Socrates isn't mortal. This makes the minor premise false - Socrates isn't human. But the minor premise is true, so the conclusion must be true.

In mathematics:

  • It's used to prove theorems (statements demonstrably true using logic and math).

  • For example, the theorem "If a number is greater than 1, then its square is greater than 1."

  • We can assume the theorem is false - there's a number greater than 1 with a square equal or less than 1. This means we can build a counterexample, a number that fits the theorem's conditions but not its conclusion.

  • However, no such counterexample exists. Every number greater than 1 has a square greater than 1. Therefore, the theorem is true.

In physics:

  • It's used to demonstrate the validity of a law or principle.

  • For example, the law of conservation of energy states the total energy of an isolated system remains constant.

  • We can assume the law is false - the total energy of an isolated system can change. This means we can build a counterexample, an isolated system where energy changes.

  • But constructing such a counterexample is impossible. Any change in energy violates another law of physics. These laws have been experimentally verified and never broken. Therefore, the law of conservation of energy must be true.

In law:

  • It's used to prove the guilt of a defendant.

  • For example, a defendant is accused of murder. The prosecution must demonstrate the defendant was present at the crime scene, had the opportunity and motive to commit it, and no one else could have done it.

  • If the prosecution proves all these things, the defendant is guilty. If they fail to prove any one of them, the defendant is innocent.

In conclusion, reasoning backwards is a powerful tool applicable in various domains. It helps us understand how conclusions arise from premises and identify inconsistencies that point towards the truth.

So let’s back to my provocation and I clarify:

At this point I have to clarify for the ones not getting it. Of course I am against any categorization. If a only men contest would be organized it would be to relegate a category to a second-class competition. Just like i consider the only women competition is. The point is: society will progress only when we stop thinking in genders (biological and invented ones) and we start to think only in human beings.

But there are "open societies" created to divide us. So we can't look (going against) at them, the ones ruling the world. I believe it is absurd for men to participate in combat sports for women where women are and always will be the victims. And in a world that wants to be fluid, men are allowed to enter women's bathrooms, exposing again the women to risk. And in open contradiction are gender divisions created in photography?

I am perfectly aware this post will be extremely unpopular in this era. I don’t care. I am free to say what I want. While there will be people against it I am convinced that there will be people, men and women, who will agree with me.


01 11 24


Carrying your camera in the wrong way?