PRIDE 2023

A street photographer makes different

While from anyone you are seeing only staged shots of this event, I don't. I am a street photographer. And I really don't enjoy to see portraits of people looking for to pose all the time. I was in Zona Rosa yesterday and without the attitude to cover as a documentary photographer. You see only the street photographer approach of someone used to photograph in Zona Rosa.

What I should make? The shit anyone is going to make? To photograph people showing the vitory sign or posing just like they thought before to leave home? No way…this is exactly why I don’t share the attitude and approach of many photojournalists going to an event year by year and always making the same things. Same things made from all the others. In fact…they are used to become a crowd photographing the same subject at these events. They can even queue up to take the photo that 50 others took before them. FUCK THIS!

I photographed without asking permission all the time. I was just a street photographer making his shit in a place where I am used to go and to photograph nopt depending if there is or not an event. I would catch the atmsosphere of the place, I photographed also the vendors because this is also a commercial event, with vendors masking as the participants. I am not going to realize something politically correct or supporting a narrative. I just made my imperfect photos.And this is what you can see:


The Street Photographer Agenda Episode 31


The Street Photographer Agenda Episode 30