Psychogeography from a Street Photographer

In recent years I have thought and produced a lot about the urban landscape. In reality, it has always been a facet of my research as a street photographer.

I happen to go with the reflex to the barrio where I go to eat and run errands for the house. It happens in that case that I am not completely focused on the photographic process and perhaps this pollutes but also complements a certain vision. What I propose today are very recent snapshots, fragments found in the working-class neighborhood adjacent to mine and where I love to go and photograph.

These photos do not add or replace anything of the work I have done in recent years. And they probably aren't either keepers, if not in the measure of personal shots, shots taken with myself and for myself, because in the end I can't help but take pictures, even when I go shopping.


Vertical Vision


About photojournalism, day of the dead workshop and the next future