Reflected Los Angeles shows an era lived as a street photographer and now is available as prints collection

2011 represented a watershed in my career as a photographer.

Lady. Los Angeles, 2011. Alex Coghe

Recently they asked me again to print the photo of the oriental woman. A sign that that photo is still in the memory of many and is able to please even those who see it for the first time. But that photo was part of a project, or rather, to get to that photo I made several, based on the same concept, when I was in California.

Now I've decided to make 9 more photos available as prints. In the homepage the gallery is now visible because I think it represents a lot of my work as a street photographer.

You can purchase any single print or the full collection here:


By purchasing these prints you will support my art and I will be always grateful with you and you will have a good piece of Street Photography in your home or office.


What is Street Photography for me in the new era?


The Street Photographer Agenda Ep. 5