So far best photo ever made in Polanco

Polanco is one of the richest neighbiorhood of Mexico City. And photographing there is different.

The pump. Alex Coghe 2022

This is a seemingly simple photo, yet it shows attention from a captured moment that is interesting. And that reminds me of those street photographs where something actually happens and therefore for me it is a good photo. Let's try to help by drawing on the photo:

The arrows should help show the division between the four subjects. The two women look towards me. The little girl is looking at the pump, perhaps she feels threatened by it. The man observes the little girl. There is a relationship between the subjects, a game of glances that works in my view. The whole negative part on the floor in this case is not: the wet certainly contributes to the content.

I find the story also funny, ironic in a way.

I don’t photograph that often in Polanco, sometimes I do it to recharge my batteries with respect to the more lively old town.


Polanco Street Photography


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