Street Photographers, get featured on this blog: a new column called ‘Street Shooters’ is born

A new column on this blog to give an international showcase to the street photographers worldwide. Yuo can already send me your proposal.

How to do to participate:

  • Send 5 street photos (your best ones) 1920 px wide

  • Small biography (5 lines)

  • Answer these questions:

* Where are you from and where are you based?

* What does “STREET PHOTOGRAPHY” mean to you?

* When were you first attracted to street photography and how did you discover it?

* Did you encounter any difficulties when you first started?

* When is a street photo a “keeper” in your opinion?

* Black and white or color? And why?

* What is more important in a street photo: content or form? Or do you believe both are important?

* What do you want to communicate to the viewer with your street photographs?

* What do you think about clichés in street photography?

* Who are your favorite photographers??

* How instinctive is your photography and how planned is it? Do you work a scene?

* How does social media influence street photography? What is your relationship with social media as regards to the way you practise street photography every day?

* Have you ever experienced confrontation on the street? And how did you react when it happened?

* Can you describe your typical day of street shooting?

* Do you belong to a community of photographers in real life? What are your thoughts about photographing with other people?

* What about ethics when it comes to Street Photography?

* Do you have any special tips to offer to other Street Photographers and our readers?

Please answer only the questions you want. Feel you totally free in this sense.

Send all the material required via email

Please note: Consider that I reserve the decision to publish or not, based on the quality of the proposal. In my final decision there is nothing personal and only referred to a quality standard that I want to maintain on this blog. The idea comes from the desire to offer something more in favor of street photographers all over the world, but you are guests of my blog and therefore I ask for respect on the decisions made. By submitting your proposal, you declare under your responsibility that you are the only creator of the photographs presented and the acceptance of being part of this blog permanently with your work. The credits of the published images remain of the single authors.


Meditation girl is the keeper of yesterday


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