Street Photography is more about seizing opportunities than planning

We see too many perfect shots, cleaned up, to the point that it seems more fashion than street photography.

You see it. Alex Coghe, 2022

For the series "The shots that will never win a photo contest" this image is a good example. Things like this only happen when you turn on the camera at the last moment, where the exposure has gone on a vacation, because the eye is quicker than any instrument…a photo with all that light entering the sensor is clearly not good. Would I present it in an exhibition? Obviously not. In a book? Neither. This blog remains, where we are still interested in the captured moment, always a priority over any other discourse.

Having said that, however, I invite you to reflect on the fact that they have spoiled us with too perfect and arranged images. When, the history of photography tells us, irregularity and imperfection make the very practice we know as street photography special. Yesterday I happened to observe all the finalist images in a street photography festival. I came out stunned by so much academy. It's certainly not what I'm looking for as a photographer or as a publisher. As I recognize this photograph above as trash stuff, at the same time I really don't identify with overly glossy photos. It seems to be on a stock agency page many times.


Lady Tacos de Canasta


A portrait made by revealing objects