STREET PHOTOGRAPHY project launched today!!!

As for THE STREET PHOTOGRAPHER NOTEBOOK, December 25th is the official launch date of the new editorial project that will focus on street photographers.

With the intention of being an alternative proposal to what is seen today as mainstream street photography, we want to give exposure especially to all those photographers that are considered outsiders, the ones that never win an award or not being part of the festivals gathering. We will respect the different visions of the artists that want to be part of this project, but always keeping a reference with the old school street photography approach. Against the trend of visual games and optical effects, to give again the dignity to a way to understand the world through photography.

Are you in?

STREET PHOTOGRAPHY will be a series of curated books released every six months. But not just this. We want to create in future a real community where we can launch exhibitions and other cool events. To make this possible we need the support of everyone: photographers, brands, any subject interested to change the game.

It is already available the page:


I am already working for 2023


Merry Christmas!