Street Shooter Lawrence Wilkes


I’m retired. I bought a camera just to give myself something to do. I fell in love with street. I try to get out several times a week and continue to post what interests me. Welcome to my world.

Where are you from and where are you based?

New York City

When is a street photo a “keeper” in your opinion?

When it elicits a visceral response from the viewer

Black and white or color? And why?

Both. Whichever makes the photo pop.

What is more important in a street photo: content or form? Or do you believe both are important?

Content over form, but when you have both, it elevates the photograph.

What do you want to communicate to the viewer with your street photographs?

I want people to see themselves and know that life is a common ground.

What do you think about clichés in street photography?

All that matters is if it’s a strong photograph.

Who are your favorite photographers??

Harold Feinstein & Elliot Erwitt

How instinctive is your photography and how planned is it? Do you work a scene?

I keep my eyes peeled. If I see a potential scene, I’ll hang out for a while and hope a photograph materializes.

Have you ever experienced confrontation on the street? And how did you react when it happened?

Only twice. In both cases I kept my cool, smiled, explained why I made the photograph, showed it to them and offered to delete it. 


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My new book is dedicated to the experience with DSLR the last 2 years