The delightful awareness of living in a fantastic city for street photography

Inside the city. Offering faithful observation to understand and to understand oneself. This is the idea I pursue as a photographer and educator.

Mexico City

I live in one of the best cities of the world for street photography. Mexico City is like New York City, but in some ways more like the NYC of the 60s and 70s. This fact exponentially increases opportunities that are somewhat unique compared to other cities in the world. Photographing in this city is not easy, in this sense it is different from New York City. It turns out to be necessary to enter a certain state of mind that allows you to grasp certain nuances. But in all these years I have been able to get to know it, and appreciate it better. And I can assure you that if you love street photography you will have to come here at some point in your life, to compete with a wonderful city, full of opportunities. Mexico City is crazy, surreal, elegant and dirty, constantly moving, silent and loud.

State of Mind

I always photograph with enthusiasm in this city. As soon as I get off the bus I'm ready to shoot and, usually, I take a photo a few moments later to get in the mood. I consider myself an omnivorous photographer, I have no foreclosures or constraints whatsoever. I experiment a lot, I revolutionize my approach, I learn. In the morning I see how the various activities wake up. The rhythm of the city is softer, then slowly as the hours pass the city becomes more dynamic. My photography reflects all of this, with the first photos being more atmospheric and the last ones intense. I love to fill the frame with the person, the gestures become a strong appeal to my eyes. But I also love to present the large spaces, the structures, the urban context. An eye that ranges from landscape to more intimate vision.

Photo Coach

As a popularizer and street photography educator I am determined to offer a true street photographer experience. What I have learned and learn every day. My courses are dynamic, never the same, influenced by who I am as a photographer at that moment and therefore aimed at giving the best to all those who decide to take a workshop with me. In Mexico City I have taught many photographers in over ten years. Photographers of all levels from the most beginner to the advanced. While the workshops are all different, what remains the same is my interest in making each student reach the goals set.

The new Street Photography Experience in Mexico City

I am pleased to present you the new workshops. I made a page that I love and that best presents my proposal as a street photography coach.



The democratic act of photographing on the street


The Street Photography I've always wanted