The essence of a Street Photography blog

In philosophy essence is the proper and immutable reality of things, understood above all as the general form, the universal nature of individual things belonging to the same genus or species. What do you expect from a street photography blog?

Selfie - Mexico City, 2021

This year I had to start over with a new blog.

What appeared to be a tragedy quickly turned out to be a great opportunity. This year has been personally and professionally marked by several transformations. Many of these have to do with greater freedom. And it is about creative as well as substantial freedom.

Day by day this blog is growing. I feed it well with new posts and this is increasing the visibility and certainly the ranking.

When I find myself in front of the blank page, I know that I must remain within the limits of what the blog is and to whom it is proposed. It is a form of respect to my readers. Certainly here I have the opportunity to update you on my business, advertise my products but the mission remains to offer food for thought for the street photographers.

The goal is pretty clear: to offer a real hub for street photographers looking for inspiration.


A day in the barrio with Canon Rebel T3 and EFS 24mm f2.8 Pancake Lens


Don’t miss my conversation with Jean-Pierre Hazee on youtube