The line defines an approach

My choice out of time.

My Canon DSLRs. Alex Coghe.

A decidedly courageous choice. Much more than you might think.

Because my choices have consequences not only in terms of personal photography. I am a photography educator and my choice of cameras can also influence the sale of my workshops. In the past, as an ambassador of a certain brand, I have seen how a certain percentage used that brand of camera. Luckily my almost universal knowledge of cameras of almost all brands allows me not to suffer excessive jolts in this sense. But in any case it is something to always take into account if I make a certain choice. My student target is oriented towards street photography and DSLRs are today considered technology overtaken by many by virtue above all of a relentless campaign in favor of mirrorless.

With the combination you see above, I feel covered for all the jobs I can take as a commercial photographer: 2 cameras, 2 lenses. My type of work is sought after by a certain type of clientele who know my way of working and contact me and contract for exactly that. This is why I am not the kind of photographer which will suffer repercussions from the AI, because my photography is diametrically opposed in terms of aesthetics and approach to what the generated images are.

Today I feel like a decidedly more aware and mature photographer, therefore more certain about what I want and what I am able to achieve. When I was younger I accepted commissions even risking first experiences, saying I was ready even if I didn't know it 100%. I know this is part of the process for any professional. Life is a constant test. Today, however, whoever contracts me has the best me they could hope for. Although I know that I still have room for improvement. It is always possible to improve and you must be ready, dedicated, thirsty for knowledge and constantly in the study and experiment phase. This is what allows me to continue growing.

My cameras are considered entry level and are cheap, old... they're not trendy, they're not pretty to look at, and they're not eye catching. This continuity in the minimalist equipment maintained in all these years of professional career forces me to rely on myself. It is challenging and rewarding.

It is my choice. I don’t pretend is also your choice, of course. I am not making any advertising here. I am just sharing what I am doing now. With you, my readers.


I'm back to being interviewed


A portrait, the hip hop culture, the street