The most important lessons I can give you when it comes to Street Photography

Based on my vision and approach, I share some tips with you. Follow me on this street photography walk.

When I start the photographic day, I need to warm up. I have to tune in to the mood of the day. I am already aware, due to my experience, that the type of photography I do at the beginning will be different and in a certain sense weaker than when I start up to speed. Also because I usually get off in an area that is not the real location of the day, which I have to go to. This awareness sometimes makes me understand that I have to do a certainly different type of photography. Sometimes this even manifests itself in the different choice of camera (when I carry two with me) or lens used. In the case of this walk I photographed in vertical. And these are the first shots to start the day:

Perfectly aware of the area where I have decided to go, usually quieter in the early hours of the morning, my expectations remain high to meet interesting photos but knowing that they will be different from downtown. Maintaining a positive attitude remains extremely important in attracting positivity and good photo opportunities. If Street Photography is like fishing you you have to give off a positive vibe for things to come to you.

I focus and enjoy the places I pass. I am enchanted like a child and shoot what seems interesting to me.

I decided to enter Chapultepec Park where exactly 10 years ago I realized the work on assignment for the client LEICA CAMERA AG. I find some interesting scenes. I smile internally to find myself there exactly 10 years after that job.

In a park, street photography is another kind of photography. My humanist approach generates a certain vision and therefore documentation.

Once in the Zona Rosa my attention turns to shadows and reflections.

I look for complex scenes, but ultimately I collect what is there. Going with the flow is one of the top tips related to street photography, guys. You don't have to intersting but rather accept what's in front of you. A landscaper's approach that rather than keeping the idea of creating intends to approach the place as detecting through the composition and giving an idea of the atmosphere and sensations that the place offers.

For me, despite everything and the various detours, the great "excuse" of street photography is to photograph people.

The great inspiration which is the dimension through which I recognize myself as a street photographer. The gestures and expressions, the clothes, the way in which a subject occupies the public space, a scene that, seasoned by human presence, makes it like a movie.

Everything is never perfect. I don't even claim it. I'm more interested in the experience than in the result, which will come anyway.

Really in this way every day spent on the street becomes an opportunity to learn. Street Photography is a physical and cultural activity.

I expose myself. I get tired from walking. I take risks. I accept everything that comes. I enter a state of meditation. I relax. I welcome / I collect. From every experience I come out enriched.

Street Photography is a long journey through life. Today I am not what I was 10 years ago. I am convinced that street photography can be a vector along the lifeline, not only for growth as a photographer, but also as an individual.


The raw symptoms of urban life and Street Photography


Covered motorcycles